Integrate your dapp with the MetaMask wallet
Integrate your dapp with MetaMask using the Wallet API. You can interact with your users' Ethereum accounts, performing tasks such as the following:
↔️ Connect to MetaMask
Connect to MetaMask and other wallets in your users' browsers.
🖊️ Sign data
Request signatures from users, and allow them to sign in with Ethereum.
📄 Display in MetaMask
Display tokens, contract methods, and icons in MetaMask.
📱 Connect to extension & mobile
Connect to the MetaMask extension and mobile app using MetaMask SDK.
New to developing on MetaMask?
If you're new to integrating dapps with MetaMask, check out the following topics:
📐 Architecture
Learn about the high-level MetaMask architecture.
🌐 About the Wallet API
Learn about MetaMask's Wallet API and its components.
📱 About MetaMask SDK
Learn about the benefits of the SDK and how the SDK connects to MetaMask.
🛠️ Create a React dapp tutorial
Follow the tutorial to create a React dapp and integrate it with MetaMask.
🛠️ Create a simple dapp tutorial
Follow the tutorial to create a simple dapp and integrate it with MetaMask.
If you have questions about integrating your dapp with MetaMask, you can interact with the MetaMask team and community on the MetaMask channels on Consensys Discord.